October Surprise


Time is running out for your October Surprise

WeÕre no fools—you canÕt pull the wool over our eyes

WeÕre all taking bets on just what form it will take

But weÕll eat our hats if nothing happens

If youÕll eat Niger yellowcake


Some say that you have Bin Laden hidden away

Under wraps for months now, just awaiting the day

When the polls start looking bad, and victoryÕs at stake

And our soldiers just stumble across him

Now, wouldnÕt that be a lucky break?


            CHORUS:      WhereÕs our October Surprise?

                                    You have an obligation to come through

                                    All those who know Iraq

                                    Was not behind the 9/11 attack

                                    Are counting on some action from you

                                    Some distraction from that uppity

                                    Reality point of view

                                    Yeah, before it all unravels like your lies

                                    ItÕs time for our October Surprise


Some say that itÕs time for a scenario like this:

An urgent Code Red bulletin, a horrible near-miss

Maybe in one of those Blue states that deserve a little smack

ThatÕs one way of suppressing voter turnout

Who needs attack ads? Just attack!


            CHORUS:      WhereÕs our October Surprise?

                                    You have an obligation to come through

                                    ÔCause we who know evil Saddam

                                    Was a long ways from the ÔnucularÕ bomb

                                    Are going to need more than a talking to

                                    Oh, ainÕt it hard to govern

                                    When those stubborn facts prove true?

                                    Yeah, before it all unravels like your lies

                                    ItÕs time for our October Surprise


All this is speculation, thereÕs not a thing we can prove

But weÕre expecting great things from old Rove, wily Rove

The undisputed master, Rasputin of spin and jive

If youÕd only used a fifth of his intelligence

To help keep our troops alive


So give us something really good to settle this mess

Something that us rowdy lefties canÕt even guess

WeÕll know when it hits us, so to quote you—bring it on!

The wagers that weÕre making will help pay the bills

When you and all your shills are gone


            CHORUS:      WhereÕs our October surprise?

                                    You have an obligation to come through

                                    After outing Valerie Plame

                                    The crime that hides behind no name

                                    We know that thereÕs nothing you wonÕt do

                                    Yeah, you can take it from our uppity

                                    Reality point of view

                                    Yeah, before it all unravels like your liesÉ


I expect some folks will not be pleased with this song

Maybe 50% of us, and 90% of the world, is wrong

If IÕve made false accusations, I offer this excuse

ItÕs the doctrine of preemption, with the tables turned

And nothing, nothing left to lose


            CHORUS:      WhereÕs our October surprise?

                                    You have an obligation to come through

                                    Voter fraud, martial law

                                    More domestic Shock and Awe

                                    And if all else fails, thereÕs still the coup

                                    The coup de grace

                                    In case of loss

                                    Of Pennsylvania Avenue

                                    Yeah, before it all unravels like your lies

                                    ItÕs time for our October Surprise


                                    One last request

                                    From those you love best to despise

                                    Where is our October Surprise?



 ©2004 Ishmael Moongoose. All rights reserved.
These lyrics and the underlying work conditionally released under a
Creative Commons Music Sharing License
Verify @ songsofconscience.com/licensing.html. V3—Last updated 29 October, 2004